UITP Mena Transport Congress & Exhibition 23-25 April 2018
At the l’UITP Stand Mel Systems demonstrated their innovative solution, a new application for predictive maintenance: a monitoring solution for oil quality in a bus engine.
EBSF_2 Final Conference Vienna -17-18 April 2018
The Final EBSF_2 Conference was held in conjunction with the TRA Transport & Exhibition in Vienna, where Innovative Solutions developed within EBSF_2 Test Sites were showcased. At the .UITP Stand Mel Systems demonstrated their innovative solution: A new application for predictive maintenance: the Oil Quality Condition Monitoring Solution in a bus engine.
Power-Gen Europe, Koelnmesse, Germany – 27-29 June 2017
Mel Systems made their annual visit to the Power-Gen Europe fair held at Koelnmesse, Germany in June.
European Bus Forum – Manchester 29th June 2017
Luigi Brambilla was invited to speak at the European Bus Forum 2017 held at Manchester on 29th June.He presented the preliminary results of the EBSF_2 Ravenna Demo test in which six Start Romagna buses installed the Oil Quality Sensor and two of those were also equipped with the IPU EOLS.
Great interest was shown by those present and Mel-Systems’ solutions have drawn worldwide attraction.
EBSF2 European Bus System of the Future: Latest update
Forlì 31st January 2017 We are on track with the project activity forecast for the EBSF_2 – Ravenna Test.
We have made improvements to the Mel Systems’ Oil Quality Sensor installation and checked the relative measurements of the lubricating oil used on the Start Romagna buses.
Our Oil Quality Sensors, installed on 6 buses, continue to transmit the overall oil quality data and enable the management of predictive maintenance servicing as planned.
Testing will be concluded on 30th April 2017. The results so far have been positive.
A show of enthusiasm for our OQS sensor at the SMM and Wind Energy trade fairs in Hamburg
The presentation of our OQS Oil Quaity Sensor aroused great interest at the recent the Hamburg trade fairs SMM 6-9/9/2016 and WindEnergy 27-29/9/2016.
Our sensor proved its effectiveness at measuring the precise quality of oils through demos held at the most prestigious stands at the trade fairs and a number extremely interesting contacts have been made.
EBSF2 European Bus System of the Future
MEL-SYSTEMS is pleased to announce that it will be taking part in the project “EBSF_2 European Bus System of the Future”, funded by the European Union within the Framework Programme Horizon 2020, and coordinated by the International Association of Public Transport UITP.
The objective of EBSF_2 is to demonstrate various cutting-edge solutions which combine bus system efficiency with a superior added-value.
Over the next thirty months, 42 companies and organizations originating from ten European countries will be participating in this enterprise.
MEL-SYSTEMS will be joining the Italian demonstration, which deals with predictive maintenance and we will be performing a demo over 12 months for each bus offered by Start Romagna and upon which we have fitted our customized oil quality sensors and EOLS filters.
The operating data will be collected via WiFi and certified by the Università di Roma.
We are positive that our systems will give an important demonstration of their effectiveness in this prestigious international context.